

 APPLICATION OF CIRCLES IN REAL LIFE A CIRCLE IS A 2-DIMENSIONAL SHAPE DEFINED AS A COLLECTION OF THE EQUIDISTANT POINTS ON A PLANE FROM A CERTAIN FIXED POINT. WE ALL HAVE SEEN CIRCLES IN OUR DAY-TO-DAY LIFE. OUR HOME, SCHOOL. WORKPLACE, RECREATION SPOTS, THE WORLD IN SHORT IS FILLED WITH CIRCLES. CIRCLE IS A SHAPE WHICH IS PRESENT ABSOULETY EVERYWHERE - MYTHOLOGY, ARCHITECTURE, OUTER SPACE, NATURE- EVERYWHERE. IN THIS BLOG I WILL DISCUSS ABOUT HOW AND WHERE THESE CIRCLES ARE USED. MYTHOLOGY- The circle the best represents the Hindu universe, because Hindus see the world as being timeless, cyclical and infinite. The universe is the medium through which the divine presents itself. It is window to the divine. A magic circle is a sacred space marked out by some practitioners of ritual magic.  These circles are believed to contain energy that forms a sacred space to provide  protection for the practice of magic spells and invocation of gods and spirits.  This ancient pr...